Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression Service | San Ramon Chiropractor

Spinal Decompression

What is Spinal Decompression?

Finally... There is a breakthrough precedure for chronic severe neck and back pain!

Spinal Decompression Therapy, as the name implies, is a type of treatment designed to decompress structures of the spinal column. Decompression refers to taking pressure off of or releasing compression of the nerve endings, the spinal cord, stenosed areas and other related spinal soft tissue structures. Compression of nerve roots and the spinal cord occur when there is abnormal functioning of the intervertebral disc (i.e. disc herniations, buldging), poor muscle control and inflammation or swellling of the soft tissue structures.

Spinal Decompression Therapy is designed to reverse the effects of this "compression" on these spinal related soft tissue structures to improve function and eliminate pain and other symptoms such as numbness, tingling and muscle weakness.

What Conditions Does it Help?

Spinal Decompression Therapy is specifically designed to help patients diagnosed with a protruding, herniated or ruptured disc of the cervical and or lumbar spinal areas. It is also helpful for people who have been diagnosed with disc-related spinal stenosis conditions. In some cases it can even help people who have undergone unsuccessful spinal surgery for the above mentioned conditions.

Is Spinal Decompression Safe?

Spinal Decompression Therapy is extremely safe. No serious injuries have been reported among patients who have been properly screened. A thorough examination and consultation with Dr. Dees is necessary before proceeding with this treatment as a small percentage of patients will not be considered good candidates due to pre-existing conditions. It is required that you bring previous MRI's to your exam.

How Long Does it Take?

We will start your treatment session with a gentle spinal adjustment to unlock the vertebrae in the affected areas and then proceed with the approximately 20 minute decompression therapy. The treatment is very comfortable and some people even fall asleep while being treated. The key to success with this procedure is that by creating a negative pressure in the intervertebral disc, it improves circulation to the disc. This aids in the overall healing of the disc and surrounding soft tissues, specifically the muscles and ligaments. In other words, the Spinal Decompression Treatment helps to rehydrate the disc, which has been typically dehydrating for years.

Some patients begin to feel relief with just a few sessions of decompression therapy, while other more complicated and serious cases may take 20-40 sessions before they begin to see results. Each individual patient has varying degrees of complications and severity, and must be treated accordingly.

Along with Spinal Decompression, Dr. Dees will recommend specific strengthening exercises for the core abdominal muscles, as well as specific Chiropractic adjustments to achieve the desired overall effect of healing the damaged structures of the spinal column. require and to also provide long term relief to the patient.

In most cases, Dr. Dees will also recommend specific joint related supplements, which will aid in supporting the body heal the affected disc and surrounding soft tissues.

What Conditions Does it Help?

The cost for Spinal Decompression Therapy will vary depending on the length of treatment required, as well as any other therapies recommended to the patient. For obvious reasons, the patients age, overall health and the length of time the conditions have been present will dictate how much treatment is necessary.

We promise to only recommend procedures that are absolutely necessary to achieve the intended results and to allow for full recovery. We will review all treatment costs, along with insurance coverage and payment options before beginning any treatment. We will do everything possible to make the care available and affordable for you as our patient.

If you or someone you know is interested in Spinal Decompression Therapy, please call our office at 925-867-1414 to schedule an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Dees.